Friday, May 04, 2007


I have heard on the radio (recently) that the Oregon legislature has passed a flaw-oops I mean "law"-handing the same benefits to homosexuals, lesbians and "domestic partners" as those who have a monogamous legal marriage between one man and one woman. By doing so they have managed to open the can of proverbial worms with this act that is akin to a school superintendent pushing through his pet program. I make that analogy because like that school superintendent they have chosen to directly ignore what has plainly been said by the people of their state (can anyone say-"vote and definition of marriage? sure I knew you could..."), and like that school superintendent they ass-u-me that because of their "vast knowledge" and training (and because of the pressures or money of interest groups-along with their own personal preferences) they have chosen to do whatever they wish. Also like that school superintendent this flaw will effect our society and is an attempt at social engineering. But, lets set this analogy aside as well as the moral issues involved in this decision. Instead let's take a small peek at the can of worms that has been opened.
First, what the legislature has done is take the first step toward negating the definition (one man and one woman) of marriage altogether.
Second, this might seem far fetched but if the Oregon legislature succeeds in overiding the peoples vote then what is to stop them when another special interest group begins to push their agenda onto the wonderfully weak-kneed legisalture?
Third, with this comes an exceeding abundance of social problems, e.g. what happens to a business when a Muslim employee decides that he wants his wives and children to be placed on his medical coverage? After all, if marriage is no longer a monogamous realtionship between one man and one woman then a Muslim or a Mormon would have every right to demand that their spouses and children be placed on their medical coverages. Otherwise they could claim discrimination on the basis of religion. I am sure that businesses would love that.
It appears that the Oregon legislature (with their blatant disregard for what the people want) have reenacted that old Greek myth in which an extremely curious woman opens a box and frees a plethora (ooh big word) of woes upon the world...her name was Pandora.

1 comment:

Dapoppins said...

who taught you to be so sarcastic?

I like it!