Saturday, April 08, 2006

CYNTHIA WHO??? (and the race platinum card)part 4

information, much more information on "cynhtia who???". if i read all the information that i am coming across i would be here all night. if i worte on half of it i would be here until tommorrow night. so let me finish with what i was stating earlier...i was apologizing for comments about pelosi. the reason being that i do not know a great deal about her except from what i read from very reliable blogs. i gather she has not made the most coherent of statements, but i do not think that i should be insulting her simply because she is a democrat and i am a republican. so i will retract my statement about "inklings of wisdom". now to move on, it appears that "cynthia who???" is having to make some apologies...from what i have read she is doing so although she does not seem to be apologizing for her "racial profiling" and "sexual harrasment" statements. nor does she seem to be backing down from her "i am always treated like this" statements. it would be interesting to see as much video as possible of her comings and goings to see if this were true. my personal opinion is that she wishes to view everything as "race" oriented. that way she can misconstrue what she wishes and conveniently use her "race platinum card". there are times when those who are considered "minorities" make "race" more of an issue then it really is. oh well, i think joe. q. public is getting sick of all these "race platinum cards" being flashed all over the place. i know that we are getting much wiser and are beginning to question the use of the "race card" more often.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

CYNTHIA WHO??? (and the race platinums card) part 3

okay, so i did some homework last night (which is what i should have done in the first place). i stopped by several extremely reliable sources to see if i could get some up to date and reliable information on "cynthia who??". so thanks to hugh hewitt for helping me get what i need. he had a really great link that provided me with scads of information. no surprise there mr. hewitt's always been a very fair and reliable news source (no i don't know him personally just through his radio program and blog). anyways on to this short blog, because of this homework i need to do some things;
first, apologize to nancy palosi as i was wrong, evidently the remark she made about not making a big deal about the assault was directed at republicans not "cynthia who". the family is awake, i will have to finish later.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

CYNTHIA WHO??? (and the race platinum card) part 2

if i am correct a smokescreen is used for two main purposes;
a) a diversion
b) a safe retreat
so the latest i have heard is that the democratic politician is now saying that there is "much ado about a hair dew". i would like to know who her democratic mentor is because whoever it is has taught her well in all the democratic techniques of smoke and mirrors...or in this case using a smokescreen. i know it's strange but nancy pelosi was right when she said, "i wouldn't make a big deal out of it." i believe she was talking to the democratic representative from georgia. if so then she should have followed the wisdom of pelosi (truth is stranger then fiction when pelosi begins to show inklings of wisdom). however, the democratic representative chose not to listen and now it appears she is attempting to do some backpedaling. is it possible that this democratic representative may have to try to save face? i honestly don't know, but as far as making much ado...
a)the assaulted police officer didn't show up with the n.a.a.c.p., n.o.w. and several hollyweird types.
b)the assaulted police officer didn't accuse anyone of racial profiling and attempt to make that one of the central issues
c)the assaulted police officer didn't accuse anyone of improper touching and sexual harrassment (more non-existent issues)
d) the assaulted police officer didn't have a press conference with the msm.

so now comes the smoke screen...who is making a great clamor over this whole issue? the capitol police and their obsession with her new 'dew.
what is the real problem? those security pins (you know, like the one she didn't wear)
a simple apology would have gone a long, long way. hmm, it seems that's what the capitol police have done...apologized for not recognizing the democratic representative. it looks as if they have a great deal more humilty and courtesy then she does.
i must admit that i can understand her dilemna. i never have liked humble pie either and in this instance something about it's shoeleather taste would make it extremely unpleasant.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

CYNTHIA WHO...??? (and the race platinum card) part 1

i had thought of titling this piece THE PROPER USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON COMMON, INSIGNIFICANT, SMALL PESTS but that would give the hollyweird blowhards and those useless and worthless organizations listed below an equivalency to something with some strength and value. so i couldn't do it in good conscience
besides, the desire for and abuse of power are only part of what this post is about.

well another democratic politician is getting some of the things she wanted when she ran for public office and was elected. notoriety, fame and power. i say this because her response to what is happening makes it obvious.
first, she attempts to circumvent a security measure because "she is in a hurry" to a meeting. now, being in a hurry is understandable,we have all been in situations when we were late getting somewhere important or needed to be somewhere quickly. but, i don't think we attempted to circumvent a security measure (avoid going through a metal detector is my understanding-from what i have heard this is standard practice of politicians with proper identification) or assault a police officer while being in a hurry .
second, she didn't have proper fact from what i have heard no identification was presented at all. instead she assumed that she was so well known among the police staff she would immediately be recognized. however, that was not the case (ouch that's gotta hurt the ego) instead the officer politely did his job. oh well, we all know what happens when we ass-u- me things.
third, she then proceeds to assault the officer. why? well according to her he was assaulting a "black female". i hope there is video of this to help clarify whether there was truly any "assault", "improper touching...etc, etc." done to her..."well mr. police officer, can't you see she was in a hurry? can't you see she is a big, important politician? mr. police officer don't you recognize her?" nevermind the fact that 535 other politicians go through there everyday and evidently 534 of them had their i.d.'s, or cooperated with law enforcement.
fourth, when charges for assaulting a police officer were/are brought against her what does/did she do?? she shows up with the n.a.a.c.p, n.o.w., her lawyer and various other "big guns". ahhh, all that power it's got to ffeeeeeel soooo goood knowing that at the snap of your fingers you can conjure up so much fire power in such a short time. so now she is not only playing the "race platinum card" but she is also trying to use her gender as an issue (not to mention her hollyweird "entertainment" friends putting in their two cents). again i say, ooooo the feel of all that power, power, POWER!!! be continued work calls.