Wednesday, April 05, 2006

CYNTHIA WHO??? (and the race platinum card) part 2

if i am correct a smokescreen is used for two main purposes;
a) a diversion
b) a safe retreat
so the latest i have heard is that the democratic politician is now saying that there is "much ado about a hair dew". i would like to know who her democratic mentor is because whoever it is has taught her well in all the democratic techniques of smoke and mirrors...or in this case using a smokescreen. i know it's strange but nancy pelosi was right when she said, "i wouldn't make a big deal out of it." i believe she was talking to the democratic representative from georgia. if so then she should have followed the wisdom of pelosi (truth is stranger then fiction when pelosi begins to show inklings of wisdom). however, the democratic representative chose not to listen and now it appears she is attempting to do some backpedaling. is it possible that this democratic representative may have to try to save face? i honestly don't know, but as far as making much ado...
a)the assaulted police officer didn't show up with the n.a.a.c.p., n.o.w. and several hollyweird types.
b)the assaulted police officer didn't accuse anyone of racial profiling and attempt to make that one of the central issues
c)the assaulted police officer didn't accuse anyone of improper touching and sexual harrassment (more non-existent issues)
d) the assaulted police officer didn't have a press conference with the msm.

so now comes the smoke screen...who is making a great clamor over this whole issue? the capitol police and their obsession with her new 'dew.
what is the real problem? those security pins (you know, like the one she didn't wear)
a simple apology would have gone a long, long way. hmm, it seems that's what the capitol police have done...apologized for not recognizing the democratic representative. it looks as if they have a great deal more humilty and courtesy then she does.
i must admit that i can understand her dilemna. i never have liked humble pie either and in this instance something about it's shoeleather taste would make it extremely unpleasant.

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