Saturday, February 02, 2008


Once again has done an excellent job by linking to this article;

Now the question is will the MSM do their job and let people know about this cold blooded murder? What concerns me is two things;
1.) The only reason I know of this is because of conservative talk radio, and
2.) The last I heard the "father" of these two girls is still at large because the authorities have not been able to find him. My understanding is this is due to people in his community hiding him...

Now I would pose the question-Which community is hiding him? Is it the Jewish community? Or the Christian community? What about the Mormon or Buddhist communities? Perhaps it is the Irish-Americans? Let me make a little list; Japanese-American, Italian-American, African-American, Hispanic-American, are any of those communities hiding him? What about the Hindu's, are they hiding him? I'm afraid that the answer to all of these is, "NO". So just who is hiding him? This goes to the point that Robert Spencer is making, that "the Qur’an or Islamic tradition does not sanction honor killing." However, since "...Islam is used as the justification for such barbarities, it becomes incumbent upon Muslim spokesmen to confront this directly, and to work for positive change, rather than simply to consign it all to culture, as if that absolves Islam from all responsibility."

Now, having said that I admit I could be wrong-his community may not be hiding him and the murderer may actually be in custody. If this is the case, I would like to know why the MSM hasn't told anyone about this and the fact that he was arrested. As stated earlier I have heard next to nothing about this atrocity. Is the MSM truly interested in news and our society? If so, I would say this is definitely news worthy and as a citizen of these United States I would definitely like to know when my next door neighbor decides he needs to kill his own daughters because they have "dishonored" him and his family.

By the way which family is he speaking of? His wife left him and took the girls so they would be safe. The only family left would be his does his son feel about being dishonored by his sisters? After all two of the "family" members are now dead (by their "father's" hand) which leaves three; the murderer, the wife-who fled for her life and the lives of her daughters-and the son. So which family honor is he speaking of? I was also wondering if his son decided to start dating? Oh, I forgot Robert Spencer also pointed something else out; "Honor killing, the practice of murdering a female family member who is believed to have sullied the family honor, enjoys widespread acceptance in some areas of the Islamic world." So, "honor" killing is mutually exclusive to females. Which brings about another question, where are the outcries from NARAL, and the Feminists on this issue? Perhaps I should simply stop asking rhetorical questions.


WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya William..thanks for the vis to my site..come again!..great piece and keep up the good fight..Spencer is a hero!

Ellen said...

The family referred to is the extended family. The Saids come from a tribal culture, where extended family considerations are important.

Robert Spencer is mistaken. Dishonor killing victims can be men, too, though it is not as common (less than 10% of the victims in Jordan).

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

Karen Tintori said...

If you wait for feminists or liberals to speak up against these heinous "horror" killlings, hell will freeze over first.

They are too busy hiding behind cultural or moral relativism, being nice and politically correct and forgetting that first and foremost we are human beings and each of us is responsible for the other.

Karen Tintori
Unto the Daughters: The Legacy of an Honor Killing in a Sicilian-American Family

trespassers william said...


It is quite possible that Robert Spencer knows that "honor" killings do extend to men. The implications that they are only performed on women is mine. I make no claims as to the knowledge of Robert Spencer. Thank you for the comments and the information. I only wish that I could view your blog (not necessarily your profile as I understand and respect everyones need for privacy), unfortunately I am not able to do so because you have not given me that information.