Saturday, February 02, 2008


As can be seen I slowly changed what this blog looks like. I am not totally finished yet. There are lots of little things things that need to be changed-like the little arrows and tic-tacs-but I am still learning how to do all of this so it is coming together slowly. I must confess that the Blue Tic-Tac really isn't as bad as I had stated (it's not hideous). There are actually many elements I like about it and I wouldn't mind using in other web pages. However, the Blue Tic-Tac doesn't work with the Egyptian theme and if you happen to notice the title of the blog then you know Egyptian is what I need. After all I would much rather have blue as my blog color then brown as blue is a much more psychologically stimulating color, i.e. it's more exciting and fun. Brown is a neutral and as a neutral usually produces a neutral response. Still brown does have a calming effect and is less harsh on the eyes then intense blues. In web and blog design calm and easy on the eyes is a good thing, so perhaps brown isn't so bad after all.

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